A.f = 0 B.f = (2 * 3.142) / 3 C.f = B * 2 Gosub initshapes NPrint "" Print "done" SaveShapes 2,29,"shp/cca1.shp" SaveShapes 30,80,"shp/cca2.shp" SaveShapes 81,131,"shp/cca3.shp" .initshapes BitMap 5,100,100,4 ; temporary bitmap ;MISSILES Cls ;missile -> InitShape 2,5,1,4 : Line 1,1,2,1,10 : Line 3,1,5,1,9 GetaShape 2,1,1,5,1 : Handle 2,5,1 Cls ;missile . InitShape 3,1,3,4 : Plot 1,1,10 : Line 1,2,1,3,9 GetaShape 3,1,1,1,3 : Handle 3,1,3 Cls ;missile <- InitShape 4,5,1,4 : Line 1,1,3,1,9 : Line 4,1,5,1,10 GetaShape 4,1,1,5,1 : Handle 4,1,1 Cls ;missile ^ InitShape 5,1,3,4 : Line 1,1,1,2,9 : Plot 1,3,10 GetaShape 5,1,1,1,3 : Handle 5,1,1 ;EXPLOSION For count = 1 To 9 countb = 1 If count > 3 Then countb = 2 If count > 6 Then countb = 3 Cls ;ex even InitShape 4+count*2,40,20,4 : Circle 20,10,count*2 - 1,count,12 +(countb) GetaShape 4+count*2,1,1,40,20 : MidHandle 4+count*2 Cls ;ex odd InitShape 5+count*2,40,20,4 : Circle 20,10,count*2,count,12 +(countb) GetaShape 5+count*2,1,1,40,20 : MidHandle 5+count*2 Next count ;Trail Players For count = 1 To 4 Cls moo = count If moo > 3 Then moo = 2 InitShape 21+count,16,8,4 : Circle 8,4,count,count/2,moo GetaShape 21+count,1,1,16,8 : MidHandle 21+count Cls moo = count + 4 If moo > 7 Then moo = 6 InitShape 25+count,16,8,4 : Circle 8,4,count,count/2,moo GetaShape 25+count,1,1,16,8 : MidHandle 25+count Next count NPrint "" Print "Spirals :" For countf.f = 1 To 51 Cls InitShape 29 + countf,72,36,4 For countbf.f = countf To countf + 90 Plot 36+(((countbf-countf)*(countf/120))*Sin(countbf/30)),18+(((countbf-countf)*(countf / 240))*Cos(countbf/30)),5 Plot 36+(((countbf-countf)*(countf/120))*Sin((countbf+120)/30)),18+(((countbf-countf)*(countf / 240))*Cos((countbf+120)/30)),6 Plot 36+(((countbf-countf)*(countf/120))*Sin((countbf+60)/30)),18+(((countbf-countf)*(countf / 240))*Cos((countbf+60)/30)),7 Next Blit 29+countf,35,17 ;Blit 29+countf,35,18 Blit 29+countf,36,17 ; GetaShape 29 + countf,1,1,72,36 : Handle 29 + countf,36,18 GetaShape 29 + countf,1+(count/2),1+(count/4),72-(count/2),36-(count/4) : Handle 29 + countf,36,18 Print "O" Next NPrint "" Print "Triangles :" For countf.f = 1 To 51 Cls InitShape 80 + countf,80,40,4 ; For countbf.f = countf To countf If countf <= 10 Circle 40, 20, 30 - countf * 2, 15 - countf ,5 ; Circle 40, 21. 30 - countf * 2, 15 - countf ,6 ; Circle 41, 20. 30 - countf * 2, 15 - countf ,7 EndIf pax.l = 40 + (((countf * 34) /40) * Sin(A - countf)) pay.l = 20 + (((countf * 17) /40) * Cos(A - countf)) pbx.l = 40 + (((countf * 34) /40) * Sin(B - countf)) pby.l = 20 + (((countf * 17) /40) * Cos(B - countf)) pcx.l = 40 + (((countf * 34) /40) * Sin(C - countf)) pcy.l = 20 + (((countf * 17) /40) * Cos(C - countf)) Line pax, pay, pbx, pby, 5 Line pbx, pby, pcx, pcy, 6 Line pcx, pcy, pax, pay, 7 Line pax, pay, 40, 20, 5 Line pbx, pby, 40, 20, 6 Line pcx, pcy, 40, 20, 7 ; Blit 80+countf,41,21 ; GetaShape 29 + countf,1,1,72,36 : Handle 29 + countf,36,18 GetaShape 80 + countf,1,1,80,40 : Handle 80 + countf,40,20 Print "O" Next Free BitMap 5 ; Good Riddance Return